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About Us
Company Profile

COSCO SHIPPING Development Co., Ltd. (the Company) is a subsidiary of China COSCO SHIPPING Corporation Limited (China COSCO SHIPPING) specialized in integrated shipping logistics industry-finance services, which is one of core industries under China COSCO SHIPPING. The Company was established in 1997, with head office in Shanghai, and is listed in both Hong Kong and Shanghai. The registered capital of the Company is RMB13,573 million. With the focus on shipping logistics industry, the Company is committed to developing container manufacturing, container leasing and shipping leasing business chain as the core business to achieve the integrated development of production-finance-investment through investment management.

 Business Scope

 Container manufacturing business

The container manufacturing business of the Company involves the research, development, production and sales of international standard dry cargo containers, reefer containers, special containers and house containers. The Company had a designed annual capacity of more than 1,400,000 TEU, ranking second in the world. The Company focuses on scientific and technological innovation as well as green and low-carbon, promotes the construction of intelligent factories, strengthens the container +customization capability, and continuously enhances its core competitiveness of the trinity of standard containers + reefer containers + special containers.

 Container leasing business

The container leasing business of the Company involves container leasing and trading of various kinds, with services in more than 170 major ports around the world. The Company managed about 3,800,000 TEU of containers, ranking third in the world, and has the unique leasing and shipping and leasing and manufacturing synergisticability and influence in the container field.

 Shipping leasing business

The shipping leasing business of the Company mainly involves the operating lease or finance lease of various vessels, such as container vessels and dry bulk cargo vessels, and its vessel assets size ranks among the top in the industry. The Company is committed to enhancing the full life cycle service capacity of ordering, leasing, management and disposal of shipping assets, grasping the opportunity of green and low-carbon transformation of the fleet, and helping to upgrade the fleet of the shipping industry.

  Investment management business

The Company focuses on the principal business of shipping and logistics for its investment management business to empower the lightweight transformation and growth of its shipping and logistics businesses by financing for production. At the same time, the Company is committed to the construction of venture capital platforms, accelerating the layout of strategic emerging industries, and strengthening the incubation capacity of digital intelligence and low-carbon shipping.

 Corporate Culture

Guided by the concept of Excellence, with integrity, efficiency, proactiveness and mutual benefitas its core values, the Company fully leverages its advantages in shipping industry chain and expands the value of capital flows in the shipping logistics ecosystem to develop into a world-class industry-finance operator in the shipping industry with COSCO SHIPPINGs characteristics.

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