January 9, 2025 COSCO SHIPPING Development Successfully Issues The First Issue of Science, Technology and Innovation Low
Carbon Transformation Corporate Bonds 2025 The issue isthe first low-carbon transformation corporate
bond for a shipping company Total bond issue size of CNY1 billion Maturity: 15 years Coupon rate of 2.18% Full subscription multiple reached 3.92 times The bond issue was well subscribed by the market The coupon rate of the bonds set a record low for 15-year
bonds in the capital market Reflecting the full recognition of the market and investors to the company This bond has been certified by Lianhe
Equator, a green assessment organization, on the pre-issuance independent
assessment of low-carbon transformation special bonds, and has been approved by
the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the two special corporate bond varieties of
scientific and technological innovation and low-carbon transformation, which is the first
low-carbon transformation corporate bond for shipping enterprises,and is a full
recognition of the environmental benefits of the company's use of the proceeds
for energy-saving and environmentally friendly ship investment, and for the
realization of significant energy saving and carbon reduction. The successful issuance of this special
bond in the protection of the company's major ship investment project capital
needs at the same time, to achieve investment and financing term matching, to
further optimize the company's financing costs. It is the company's focus on
the main responsibilities of the main business, focus on accelerating the green
and low-carbon transformation and science and technology, digital and
intellectual empowerment. And it will continue to promote the high-quality sustainable
development of the embodiment of the full force of the company. 